Baby Leaf, Vegetable, Herb & Microgreen Seed Supplier in South Africa

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For more detailed variety information, contact us

Variety Size Disease Remarks Image
ALL SWEET o.p. 13-20 kg, Elongated fruit; 45x 18cm Tolerance: F, AN1, AN3 90-100 days, long shelf life and ships well. Bright red flesh.
EXTREME- Crimson Sweet Oblong, over 15kg   Uniform fruits with deep-red and juicy flesh. Approx. 98 days from sowing to harvest
HALA- Crimson Sweet Oblong, 15-20kg up to 30kg   Fruiting 75 days after planting. Heat tolerant
SHA 53152 F1- Cal Sweet Oblong 43 cm x 23cm and weighing 9-13.5kg Disease Tolerance: Fusarium race 1 & 2, Anthracnose race 1 & 3. Gummy stem blight, Downy Mildew Approx 92 days to maturity. Excellent long distance shipping qualities.